Monday, March 31, 2008

We're in!

My husband and I moved our big furniture into our new home at the weekend. Boxes are everywhere, our lives in a disheveled mess of nearly 1200 square feet.

We couldn't be happier.

Both of us owe Pat's family for their support: Mike and Charyla, Denise, David, Tara, Nana and Gran Gran. We couldn't have done it without you.

Now if we could get you to take care of those damned roosters...

Thursday, March 20, 2008

A word of advice

NEVER open mail late at night. As much as I wanted it not to control me, I freaking lost sleep over Alpha Care's incompetence.

Basically, a Dr Robert Magnon in San Antonio submitted billing information for 'a patient' he saw on 10/8/07. Allegedly, that patient was me. It turns out that the insurance overpaid the doctor and are now seeking ME to shell out for this $88 overpayment. By my heel, I think not!

I rang his office last night and left a message with his answering service. Needless to say, though, Mary Ann in billing settled the issue. But what I really want to know, which she had no answer for by the way, is how on earth my insurance ended up being billed when I've never set foot in this guy's office.

The billing department told me that it was the insurance company who was in the wrong. But isn't it the person inputing the billing/coding at the office who is commanding the computer to submit the claim?! Computers only do what we tell them to do right?

All I know is that I'm tired of inefficiency and having to mop up others' mistakes. Like my husband says, 'Trained apes.'

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

I'm back

After a long repreive, I'm ready to express my inner workings. Be patient, I'm a bit hung over from the sleep.

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